Education Quality Strategy in Increasing Competitiveness at Vocational School Bina Madina Denpasar


  • Rizky Sofarina Khazanah STAI Denpasar Bali
  • Sudarsono STAI Denpasar Bali
  • Nur Wahyudi STAI Denpasar Bali


Strategy, Quality, School Competitiveness


Competition between schools is getting tougher, the emergence of international standard schools makes schools develop plans to attract students' interest. strategies that need to be carried out by promoting through social media and socializing with education customers (students, parents, community) in a quality educational context have a vision, mission, goals, and plans. Adequate learning services are used as a means to compete for the quality of education. The focus of this research is the strategy at SMK Bina Madina Denpasar. How is the quality management of education at SMK Bina Madina Denpasar. How to increase competitiveness in SMK Bina Madina Denpasar. This study uses a qualitative type and approach in description with data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation, as well as data validation techniques through the triangulation method. The results of the research show that the strategy for quality education in increasing competitiveness is in accordance with competency standards. A quality education process is also supported by professional educators who are already owned by the school, the principal's strategy in improving the competence of teaching staff in SMK by involving educators in training activities, especially in order to improve the competence of teaching staff.




How to Cite

Khazanah, R. S., Sudarsono, & Wahyudi, N. (2022). Education Quality Strategy in Increasing Competitiveness at Vocational School Bina Madina Denpasar. Journal of Teaching and Educational Management, 1(2), 28–34. Retrieved from


