The Management of The Development of Islamic Religious Education Curriculum Based on The Islamic Boarding School Program: Case Study at SMP As-Siddiqy Bungatan Situbondo


  • Yanti Raudatul Jannah SDN 2 Campoan Mlandingan, Situbondo


This research aims to analyze the management of Islamic Religious Education curriculum development based on Islamic boarding school programs. The reason is, the curriculum holds a key position in education, because the curriculum is related to determining direction, content and process. Curriculum development is a necessity that must be carried out consistently. PAI curriculum development is a process that links one component to another to produce a better PAI curriculum. PAI curriculum development is the activity of preparing (designing), implementing, assessing and perfecting the PAI curriculum. The approach used by researchers in the research is a descriptive qualitative research approach with a case study type of research. The location of this research is As-Siddiqy Bungatan Situbondo Junior High School (SMP). And the data collection techniques that researchers use are observation, interviews and documentation. The qualitative data analysis used in this thesis research is in the form of qualitative analysis of Miles and Huberman's interactive model, namely: data collection, data reduction, data display and drawing conclusions. In testing the validity of the data, researchers used triangulation, namely source triangulation, method triangulation, peer discussion and member checking. The results of this research are, first, Islamic boarding school program-based PAI curriculum development management planning at As-Siddiqy Bungatan Situbondo Middle School, including the formulation of curriculum objective development, PAI curriculum material development, PAI curriculum strategy development, and PAI learning methods; secondly, the implementation of Islamic boarding school program-based PAI Curriculum Development Management at As-Siddiqy Bungatan Situbondo Middle School includes formulating the development of curriculum objectives, developing PAI curriculum materials, developing PAI Curriculum Strategies, and PAI Learning Methods. This research recommends further research on integrative curriculum management for schools and Islamic boarding schools in achieving a synthesis of educational curricula that is relevant to current developments.




How to Cite

Jannah, Y. R. (2023). The Management of The Development of Islamic Religious Education Curriculum Based on The Islamic Boarding School Program: Case Study at SMP As-Siddiqy Bungatan Situbondo. Journal of Teaching and Educational Management, 2(2), 67–81. Retrieved from


